Course Number Course Title Credits  Description 
ARNR 507 Research Methods  1-5 cr Application of scientific method and research techniques, including design of experiments and use of appropriate statistical procedures.
ARNR 520  Nutrient metabolism of Domestic Animals 3cr Energy and protein utilization, emphasis on how energy and protein requirements are determined.
ARNR 521 Advanced Ruminant Nutrition  3 cr Physiological and microbial aspects of ruminant digestion and their influence on the metabolism of extraruminal tissues.
ARNR 523  Advanced Physiology of Reproduction 3 cr Study of the basic concepts of reproductive process of mammals with special emphasis on the application of recent techniques in solving reproductive problems associated with fertility and infertility.
ARNR 524 Advanced Animal Breeding 3 cr Quantitative genetics applied to the improvement of animals. Biometrical relationships among relatives, methods of estimating genetic parameters, application of crossbreeding systems and selection techniques.
ARNR 525  Muscle and Growth Biology 3 cr Growth and development of muscle, muscle structure and how growth is controlled by hormones and DNA will be studied. The impact growth manipulation has on the final product, meat, will also be evaluated.
ARNR 529 Yellowstone Wildlife Habitat Ecology 2 cr This course will describe the native communities of the internationally prominent northern Yellowstone winter range for wild ungulates. The ecology of many organisms, both plant and animal will be studied. Plant identification skills will be incorporated with an emphasis on the recognition of the Yellowstone northern range's flora and its importance as wildlife habitat. Ecosystem interrelationships will form the basis for understanding the ecology of the range and interpreting the consequences of management alternatives.
ARNR 541 Range Ecophysiology  3 cr Lectures and selected readings on the response of range plants and animals to daily and seasonal changes in their environment, including physiology, animal behavior, and plant population biology.
ARNR 543  Riparian Processes and Function 3 cr This course involves an in-depth investigation of the geomorphological physical and biological parameters unique to riparian areas of the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. Emphasis will be placed on how these parameters interact to create the biotic communities associated with riparian areas.
ARNR 544  Advanced Grazing Management and Ecology  3 cr Review of management principles for livestock grazing grasslands and shrublands and their ecological relationship to other areas. Study design and scientific results will be examined to critically review information.
ARNR 575  Research or Professional Paper/Project  1-4 cr A research or professional paper or project dealing with a topic in the field. The topic must have been mutually agreed upon by the student and his or her major advisor and graduate committee.
ARNR 589 Graduate Consultation 3 cr This course may be used only by students who have completed all of their coursework (and thesis, if on a thesis plan) but who need additional faculty or staff time or help.
ARNR 590 Master's Thesis 1-10 cr  
ARNR 591  Special Topics  1-4 cr Courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular one time need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number. 
ARNR 592  Independent Study  1-3 cr Directed research and study on an individual basis.
ARNR 594  Seminar 1 cr Topics offered at the graduate level which are not covered in regular courses. Students participate in preparing and presenting discussion material.
ARNR 690  Doctoral Thesis 1-10 cr