Dr. Raymond Ansotegui

Photo taken by Robert Osborn
Emeritus Professor
BS | University of Nevada-Reno | Animal Science | 1970 |
MS | University of Nevada-Reno | Range Nutrition | 1973 |
PhD | New Mexico State University | Ruminant Nutrition | 1986 |
ANS101 Animal Science in Agriculture |
ANS327 Beef Production |
ANS101 Animal Science in Agriculture |
ANS328 Beef Production Lab |
ANS120 Artificial Insemination |
ARNR330 Range Livestock Production |
ANS130 Basic Equitation |
ANS400 Senior Seminar |
ANS131 Intermediate Equitation |
RAS410 Range Nutrition |
ANS210 Livestock Evaluation I |
ANS411 Physiology of Gestation Lab |
ANS211 Livestock Evaluation II |
ANS418 Commercial Feeds and Feeding |
ANS222 Feeds and Feeding |
ARNR421 Artificial Insemination and Physiology of Gestation |
ARNR234 Beef Cattle Practicum |
ANS427 Beef Cattle Management |
ANS300 Seminar |
ARNR435 Feed Lot Management |
ANS308 Competitive Livestock Evaluation |
ARNR436 Range Animal Interactions |
ANS309 Animal Nutrition |
ARNR480 Calving Management |
ANS310 Animal Nutrition II |
RAS503 Range Livestock Nutrition |
ANS320 Integrated Nutrition Management I |
ARNR489 Undergraduate Research |
ARNR324 Integrated Nutrition Management II |
ANS590 Masters Thesis |
- Average number of undergraduate advisees, 20-25/yr
- Graduate Student Committees, 4-5/yr
Research Interests
Cow/calf Nutrition, Range Forage Utilization, Estrous Synchronization, Trace Mineral Nutrition.
Awards and Recognitions
2002 James and Mary Ross Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and Scholarly Activity
2002 Western Section American Society of Animal Science Distinguished Teacher Aware
1999 Award for Excellence
1996 Award for Excellence
1996 Mortar Board Professor of the month
1992 Mortar Board Exemplary Performance as an Educator
1991 Alpha Zeta Professor of the Year
1990 Outstanding Teacher - College of Agriculture
1990 Faculty Honor Roll for Outstanding Student Instruction
1988 Faculty Honor Roll for Outstanding Student Instruction
1985 Outstanding Teacher - College of Agriculture
1985 Faculty Honor Roll for Outstanding Student Instruction
1981 Faculty Honor Roll for Outstanding Student Instruction
1980 Faculty Honor Roll for Outstanding Student Instruction
Significant Research and Teaching Accomplishments
Quantification of range forage intake by suckling calves.
Demonstrated changes in forage intake of suckling calves relative to milk intake.
Determined ruminal kinetics and forage utilization by suckling calves grazing native range.
Demonstrated that combinations of progestins and prostaglandins can be used to successfully synchronize estrus in beef heifers and cows.
Effects of form and intake of trace minerals on immune function in beef heifers.
Effects of antagonistic minerals on Cu and Zn status
Demonstrated the inaccuracy of using serum as a measure of mineral status
Taught 30 different classes at MSU
Received 12 teaching awards
Recent Publications
Refereed Publications
Paterson, J.A., C.K. Swenson, A.B. Johnson, and R.P. Ansotegui. 2002. Copper and zinc needs for reducing stress in beef production. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (accepted)
Funston, R.N., R.P. Ansotegui, R.J. Lipsey and T.G. Geary. 2002. Comparison of the melengesteral acetate (MGA/PGF) and Select Synch preceded by seven day MGA estrous synchronization protocols in beef heifers. Theriogenology. 57:1485-1491.
Bailey, J.D., R.P. Ansotegui, J.A. Paterson, C.K. Swenson, and A.B. Johnson. 2001. Effects of supplementing combinations of inorganic and complexed copper and zinc on performance and liver mineral status of heifers. J. Anim. Sci J. Anim. Sci. 79: 2926-2934.
Voyich, J.M., R.P. Ansotegui, C.K. Swenson, J.D. Bailey, and D.E. Burgess. (2001) Antibody responses of cattle immunized with the Tf190 adhesion of Tritrichomonas foetus. Clinical and Diagnostic Lab. Immun. 8:1120-1125.
Hatfield, P.G., C.K. Swenson, R.W. Kott, R.P. Ansotegui, N.J. Roth, and B.L. Robinson. 2001. Zinc and copper status in ewes supplemented with sulfate- and amino acid-complexed forms of zinc and copper. J. Anim. Sci. 79: 261
Anderson, L.P., J.A. Paterson, R.P. Ansotegui, M. Cecava and W. Schmutz. 2001. The
effects of degradable and undegradable intake protein on the performance of lactating first-calf heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 79:2224-2232. -
Ansotegui, R.P., E.J. Swensson, M.W. Tess, K.S. Bryan, C.K. Clark, and R.M. Brownson. 1995. Effects of cubing alfalfa hay on development of yearling beef heifers and In Situ rate and extent of disappearance. Prof. Anim. Sci. 11:30.
Sprinkle, J.E., D.D. Kress, D.E. Doornbos, D.C. Anderson, M.W. Tess, R.P. Ansotegui, B.E. Olson, and N.J. Roth. 1995. Chromic oxide contamination of forage in pasture previously used in marker studies. J. Range Manage. 48:194.
Lalman, D.L., M.K. Petersen, R.P. Ansotegui, M.W. Tess, C.K. Clark and J.S. Wiley. 1993. The effects of ruminally undegradable protein, propionic acid and monensin on puberty and pregnancy in beef heifers. J. Anim.. Sci.. 71:2843.
Dhuyvetter, D.V., M.K. Petersen, R.P. Ansotegui, R.A. Bellows, B. Nisley, R. Brownson and M.W. Tess. 1993. Reproductive efficiency of range beef cows fed differing quantities of ruminally undegradable protein prior to breeding. J. Anim.. Sci.. 71:2586.
Ansotegui, R. P., K. M. Havstad, J. D. Wallace and D. M. Hallford. 1991. Effects of milk intake on forage intake and performance of suckling range calves. J. Anim.. Sci.. 69-899.
Frey, A. L., V. M. Thomas, R. P. Ansotegui, P. J. Burfening and R. W. Kott. 1991. Influence of escape protein supplementation to grazing ewes on milk production and lamb performance. Small Ruminant Research.
Wiley, J. S., M. K. Petersen, R. P. Ansotegui and R. A. Bellows. 1991. Production from first-calf beef heifers fed a maintenance or low level of prepartum nutrition and ruminal undegradable or degradable protein post partum. J. Anim.. Sci. 69:4279.
Wiley, J. S., M. K. Petersen, C. K. Clark, R. P. Ansotegui and D. W. Lodman. 1991. The influence of timing and the addition of urea to supplements containing dl-methionine on ruminal fermentation and cow weight change in beef cows. 69:4617.
Roberson, M. S., R. P. Ansotegui, J. G. Berardinelli, R. W. Whitman and M. J. McInerney. 1987. Influence of biostimulation by mature bulls on occurrence of puberty in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 64:1601.
Higgins, C. K., J. G. Berardinelli, D. K. Han, R. P. Ansotegui and E. L. Moody. 1986. Estrus synchronization systems involving prostaglandin F2 and progesterone pretreatment in beef heifers. Theriogenology 25:249.
Reviewed Publications, Abstracts, and Proceedings
- Davis K. C., M. W. Tess, R. P. Ansotegui, and S. Yamamoto. 2002. Carcass characteristics of steers sired by high marbling EPD or high percent retail product EPD bulls. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci 53:
- Funston R. N., R. P. Ansotegui, R. J. Lipsey, and T. W. Geary. 2002. Evaluation of melengestrol acetate/prostaglandin (MGA/PGF), Select Synch, and 7d MGA/Select Sync estrous synchronization protocols in beef heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci 53:
- Funston, R.N., T.W. Geary, R.P. Ansotegui, J.J. Lipsey, M.D. MacNeil, and J.A. Paterson. (2001) Supplementation of whole sunflower seeds before AI in beef heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci 52:381-383.
- Kress, D.D., D.C. Anderson, J.D. Stevens, E.T. Miller, T.S. Hirsch, J.E. Sprinkle, K.C. Davis, D.L. Boss, D.W. Bailey, R.P. Ansotegui, and M.W. Tess (2001) Calf weight/cow weight ratio at weaning as a predictor of beef cow efficiency. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci 52:130-131.
- Edwards, N. J., R. P. Ansotegui, E. Leadbetter, and N. D. Costa . 2000. Straw Supplementation of Cattle Browsing Tagasaste During Summer/Autumn Reduces Sand Accumulation in the Rumen. Proc. Aust. Soc. Anim. Sci. 23:75
- Bailey J.D., R.P. Ansotegui, J.A. Paterson, and C.K. Swenson. 2000. Feedlot performance and hepatic trace mineral status of beef heifers previously consuming dietary copper antagonists. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 51:128.
- Funston, R.N., R.P. Ansotegui, B.D. Thompson, R.J. Lipsey, M.D. Ropp and T.W. Geary. 2000. Evaluation of melengesterol acetate/prostaglandin (MGA/PGF) and MGA/Select Synch estrous synchronization protocols in beef heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 51:140.
- Paterson, J.A., C. Swenson, B. Johnson and R. Ansotegui.2000. Life cycle trace mineral needs for reducing stress in beef production. Asociacion Mexicana de Especialistas en Nutricion Animal A.C., Guadalajara, MX (invited).
- Swenson, C.K., R.P. Ansotegui, J.A. Paterson and B. W. Hess 2000. Trace Minerals Optimal Supplementation Strategies with Beef Cattle Consuming Low Quality Forages in the U.S. Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report. Oregon State University Printing
- Ansotegui, R.P., J.D. Bailey, J.A. Paterson, P.G. Hatfield, and C.K. Swenson. 1999. Effects of supplemental trace mineral form on copper status, estrus, ovulation rate, and fertility in beef heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci.
- Paterson, J.A., C.K. Swenson, A.B. Johnson, and R.P. Ansotegui. 1999. Life cycle trace mineral needs for reducing stress in beef production. Proc. 60th Minnesota Nutrition Conf. pp. 41-58.
- Bailey, J.D., R.P. Ansotegui, J.A. Paterson, J.G. Berardinelli, and A.B. Johnson. 1999. Effects of supplemental trace mineral form on trace mineral status and performance of beef heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci.
- Swenson, C.K., R.P. Ansotegui, E.J. Swensson, J.A. Paterson, and A.B. Johnson. 1998. Trace mineral supplementation effects on first-calf beef heifer reproduction, milk production and calf performance. Proc. West. Sec Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 49:327.
- Anderson, L.P., J.A. Paterson, R.P. Ansotegui, M. Cecava, and W. Schmutz. 1998. The effects of degradable and metabolizable protein supply on performance of first calf heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci 49:20.
- Wellington, B.K., J.A. Paterson, C.K. Swenson, R.P. Ansotegui, P.G. Hatfield, and A.B. Johnson. 1998. The influence of supplemental copper and zinc on beef heifer performance and changes in liver copper. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 49:323.
- Green, L. Wayne, A. Bruce Johnson, John A. Paterson, and R.P. Ansotegui. 1998. The role of trace minerals in the cow-calf cycle. Proc. IRM Producer Education Seminars. Denver, CO.
- Swenson, C.K., A.B. Johnson, J.A. Paterson, E.J. Swensson, L.M. Schugal and R.P. Ansotegui. 1997. Liver trace mineral status of cow-calf ranches in the western high plains. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Bovine Practitioners. 48:137.
- Swenson, C.K., R.P. Ansotegui, E.J. Swensson, J.A. Paterson, and A.B. Johnson. 1996. Influence of trace mineral supplementation on immune response, mineral retention and reproduction in first-calf beef heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci.. 47:
- Swenson, C.K., R.P. Ansotegui, E.J. Swensson, J.A. Paterson, and A.B. Johnson. 1996. Influence of mineral supplementation on blood serum and liver concentrations in first-calf beef heifers and their calves. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci.. 47:
- Clark, C.K., R.P. Ansotegui, J.A. Paterson, E.J. Swensson and A.G. Swenson. 1995. Effects of chemical form of mineral supplementation on cellular and humoral immune responses of yearling beef heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 46:245.
- Clark, C.K., R.P. Ansotegui, and J.A. Paterson. 1995. Mineral nutrition of the beef cow to impact immulogic response. The Bovine Practitioner. 29:30.
- Clark, C.K., R.P. Ansotegui and J.A. Paterson. 1995. The relationship between mineral nutrition of the beef cow and reproductive performance. The Bovine Practitioner 29:38.
- Swensson, E.J., D.E. Doornbos, D.C. Anderson, R.P. Ansotegui and D.D. Kress. 1995. Methods of measuring chromium concentrations in calf feces dosed by a constant release chromium bolus. Proc. West. Sec. Anim.. Sci.. 46.339.
- Swenson, C.K., R.P. Ansotegui and J.A. Paterson. 1995. Role of trace minerals on the reproductive performance of beef cows. ZinPro Mineral Symposium. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Hirsh, T.S., D.D. Kress, D.E. Doornbos, D.C. Anderson, M.W. Tess, R.P. Ansotegui, K.C. Davis, B.E. Olson, and E.J. Swensson. 1995. Fecal output of different biological types of beef cattle on native range. J. Anim.. Sci.. 73(Suppl. 1)2:294. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci.. 46:17.
- Mercy, J.B.J., N.J. Edwards, R.P. Ansotegui and N.D. Costa. 1995. Effects of phenolic compounds from Tagasaste on in sacco digestibility and rate of particulate outflow from the rumen. Anim.. Prod. In Australia. 21:Abstr.
- Ansotegui, R.P., C.K. Clark, E.J. Swensson, T.J. Milner, K.S. Bryan, and J.A. Paterson. 1994. Effects of chemical form and intake of mineral supplementation on blood profiles and inflammatory reaction to phytohemagglutinin (PHA-P) in pregnant heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci.. 45:222.
- Swensson, E.J., R.P. Ansotegui, C.K. Clark and J.S. Wiley. 1994. Effects of stress and rumen inoculum on performance of weaned calves. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci.. 45:48.
- Ansotegui, R.P., M.W. Tess and K.S. Bryan. 1993. The effects of cubing alfalfa hay on growth and reproductive performances of yearling beef heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci.. 44:259.
- Swensson, E.J., R.P. Ansotegui, C.K. Clark, M.W. Tess and K.S. Bryan. 1993. Comparison of in situ rate and extent of dry matter disappearance for alfalfa cubes and long hay. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci.. 44:210.
- Barbisan, D.J., R.P. Ansotegui, L.C. Gagnon, J. Lacey and K. Hansen. 1993. Chromium mordanted oats and 4N-HCL insoluble ash as indicators of fecal output, digestibility and dry matter intake of horses. Thirteenth Equine Nutrition and Physiology Symposium Proceedings (Abstr.). #504:90.
- Dhuyvetter, D.V., M.K. Petersen, R.P. Ansotegui, R.A. Bellows, B. Nisley, R. Brownson and M.W. Tess. 1992. Reproductive efficiency of range beef cows fed differing sources of protein during gestation and differing quantities of ruminally undegradable protein prior to breeding. Proc. West Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci.. 43:59
- Sprinkle, J.E., D.D. Kress, D.E. Doornbos, D.C. Anderson, M.W. Tess, R.P. Ansotegui, B.E. Olson and N.J. Roth. 1992. Fecal output of different biological types of beef cattle on native range throughout a production year. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci. 43:31.
- Lalman, D., M.K. Petersen, R.P. Ansotegui, M. Tess, C.K. Clark and J.S. Wiley. 1991. The effects of ruminally undegradable protein, propionic acid and monensin on puberty and reproductive efficiency in beef heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci.. 42:30.
- Ansotegui, R.P., J.D. Wallace, Kim Havstad, M.K. Petersen and M.L. Galyean. 1990. Forage Intake and utilization by suckling range calves. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci.. 41:268.
- Bryan, K.S., R.P. Ansotegui, J. Lacey, C.B. Marlow and K.M. Havstad. 1990. Composition and digesta kinetics of diets selected by suckling range calves. Proc. West Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci.. 41:264.
- Clark, C.K., M.K. Petersen, E. Ayers, J.S. Wiley, S.J. Sorenson, R. Muntifering, D. Hinman and R.P. Ansotegui. 1990. Utilization of sustained release DL-Methionine and urea as a protein source for winter range supplementation of beef cows. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci.. 41:257.
- Wiley, J.S., M.K. Petersen, K.S. Wiley, R.A. Bellows, R.P. Ansotegui and D.J. Lalman. 1990. Performance of first calf beef heifers fed a high or low level of prepartum nutrition and bypass of rumen degradable protein post partum. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim.. Sci. 41:27.
- Ansotegui, R. P., K. M. Havstad, J. D. Wallace and M. L. Galyean. 1988. Chemical composition of range forage consumed by cows and suckling calves. Abstracts J. Anim. Sci. 66:191.
- Frey, A., V. M. Thomas, P. Burfening, R. Ansotegui and R. Kott. 1988. Influence of supplementation on the productivity of ewes grazing improved pasture and suckling twins. Abstracts J. Anim. Sci. 66:193.
- Wiley, J. S., M. K. Petersen, C. K. Clark, R. Ansotegui and D. W. Lodman. 1988. The influence of timing of DL-methionine supplementation, in relation to time of feeding, on ruminal fermentation. Abstracts J. Anim. Sci. 66: 195.
- Roberson, M. S., R. P. Ansotegui, R. W. Whitman and J. G. Berardinelli. 1985. Influence of biostimulation by mature bulls on occurrence of puberty in beef heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 36:166. Ansotegui, R. P. and M. S. Roberson. 1984. Calving and weaning performance of Angus and Longhorn sired calves. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 35:102.
- Ansotegui, R. P., M. S. Roberson, C. K. Higgins and G. M. Vennes. 1983. Dosage of prostaglandin F2 for estrous synchronization in beef cattle. Proc. Western Sec. Amer. Soc. of Anim. Sci. 34:35.
- Berardinelli, J. G., R. W. Whitman, and R. P. Ansotegui. 1983. Dosage of PGF2 and stage of luteal phase on the estrous response and corpus luteum function in beef heifers. Abstracts. J. An. Sci. 57:318.
- Roberson, M. S., J. G. Berardinelli, R. P. Ansotegui and R. W. Whitman. 1983. Influence of prostaglandin F2 and social interaction of first estrus in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 57:407 (Abstr.).
- Higgins, C. K., D. K. Han, R. P. Ansotegui, E. L. Moody and P. J. Burfening. 1981. Reproductive and productive performance of PGF2‑synchronized and non‑synchronized beef cattle. Proc. West. Sec., Amer. Soc. of Anim. Sci. 32:268.
- Vennes, G. M., E. L. Moody and R. P. Ansotegui. 1981. Onset of estrus in suckled beef cows following two injections of prostaglandin F2 (PGF2). Proc. West. Sec., Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 32:
- Moody, E. L., D. G. Cameron, R. E. Short, D. K. Han, R. P. Ansotegui, and C. K. Higgins. 1980. Comparisons of estrous synchronization management systems using PGF2. Abstract 72nd Annual Meeting Amer. Soc. of Anim. Sci. p. 151.
- Ansotegui, R. P. and A. L. Lesperance. 1973. Effect of precipitation patterns upon forage quality. Proc. West. Sec. Soc. Animal Science 23:229.
- Ansotegui, R. P., A. L. Lesperance, R. A. Pudney, N. J. Papez and P. T. Tueller. 1972. Composition of cattle and deer diets grazing in common. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Animal Science. 23:184.
- Ansotegui, R. P., N. Ohanosian, A. L. Lesperance and V. R. Bohman. 1971. Effects of rumen fistula sampling on mineral composition of feeds. Proc. West. Sec. Soc. Animal Science. 22:107.