Dr. Rodney W. Kott
Extension Sheep Specialist
222 Linfield Hall, MSU-Bozeman
Bozeman, MT 59717
Phone (406) 994-5602
Fax (406) 994-5589
- BS Texas A&M University, Agricultural Education 1974
- MS Texas A&M University, Animal Science 1976
- PhD New Mexico State University, Animal Science 1980
- ARNR 230 Range Livestock Production
- ARNR 232 Applied Techniques in Livestock Management - Sheep
- ARNR 432 Sheep Management
- ARNR 521 Ruminant Nutrition
Research Interests
- Sheep Management

Community of Practice for Sheep (Sheep CoP)
within eXtension
Although sheep inventories have declined, the sheep industry is a still a substantial component of the US livestock industry. There is a need to connect current sheep research outcomes and the extension and industry communities. The purpose of the Sheep CoP is to transfer knowledge regarding sheep production and products to producers, stakeholders, and consumers. The Sheep CoP covers a wide variety of sheep topics of interest, including (among others):
- Sheep Management Practices
- Sheep Breeds
- Sheep Purpose (wool vs. meat vs. dual-purpose)
- Markets
- History
- International Perspectives (how the industry differs in other countries)
- Showmanship
- Wool
- Meat Products (available products, how to prepare, etc.)
- Producer Profiles
- Feed Efficiency
- Genetic Selection
- Prolificacy
- Seasonality
- Shearing
- Feeding/Nutrition
- Feedlot
- Grazing/Pasture
- Organic Sheep Production
- Natural Sheep Production
- Health
- Veterinary Care
Accomplishments and Interests
- Conducts 20 to 30 sheep production workshops yearly throughout Montana on sheep genetics, reproduction, nutrition, health, management & marketing.
- Coordinates the Montana Central Ram Test and the Montana On-Farm Ram Testing Program.
- Conducts enhanced wool preparation and marketing workshops which are designed to add value to wool produced in Montana.
- Evaluates the effects of improved wool preparation methods on wool value.
- Evaluates the potential benefits of utilizing Australian Merino sheep on crossbreeding programs with domestic breeds of sheep (cooperative study with U.S. Sheep Station, DuBois; Texas A&M; & University of California).
Recent Publications
Dafoe, J.M., R.W. Kott, B.F. Sowell, J.G. Berardinelli, K.C. Davis, and P.G. Hatfield. 2008. Effects of supplemental safflower and vitamin E during late gestation on lamb growth, serum metabolites, and thermogenesis. J. Anim. Sci. 86:3194-3202.
Thrift, B.D., J.C. Mosley, T.K. Brewer, B.L. Roeder, B.E. Olson, and R.W. Kott. 2008. Prescribed sheep grazing to suppress spotted knapweed on foothill rangeland. Rangeland Ecol. Manage. 61:18-25.
- Kott, R.W., 2007. Book Review—Nutrient Requirements of Small Ruminants: Sheep, Goats, Cervids and New World Camelids (Animal Nutrition Series). JAVMA 231:881-882.
- Lloyd, J.E., G.D. Johnson, R.W, Kott, H.B. Goosey and D.E. Legg, 2007. Clean-Up™ Pour-On Insecticide With Igr To Control Sheep Ked. Arthropod Management Tests 32:k1.
- Hatfield, P.G., S.L. Blodgett, T.M. Spezzano, H.B. Goosey, A.W. Lenssen, R.W. Kott, and C.B. Marlow, 2007. Incorporating sheep into dryland grain production systems: Impact on over-wintering larva populations of Wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cintus Norton, (Hymenoptera: Cephidae). Small Rum. Res. 67:209-215.
- Hatfield, P.G., A.W. Lenssen, T.M. Spezzano, S.L. Blodgett, H.B. Goosey, R.W. Kott, and C.B. Marlow, 2007. Incorporating sheep into dryland grain production systems: Impact on changes in biomass and weed frequency. Small Rum. Res. 67:216-221.
- Hatfield, P.G., H.B. Goosey, T.M. Spezzano, S.L. Blodgett, A.W. Lenssen, R.W. Kott, and C.B. Marlow, 2007. Incorporating sheep into dryland grain production systems: Impact on changes in soil bulk density and soil nutrient profiles. Small Rum. Res. 67:222-231
- Borg, R.C., D.R. Notter, L.A. Kuehn, and R.W. Kott, 2007. Breeding objectives for Targhee Sheep. J. Animal Sci. 2815-2829.
- Notter, D.R., L.A. Kuehn, and R.M. Kott, 2007. Generic analysis of fibre characteristics in adult Targhee ewes and their relationship to breeding value estimates derived from yearling fleeces. Small Ruminant Res. 67:164-172.
- Surber, L., Roeder, B., P.G. Hatfield, and R.W. Kott. 2006. Feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of spring-born wethers finished on an 80% barley diet either in the fall or spring and slaughtered at seven to eight, or fourteen to fifteen months of age, respectively. Small Rum. Res. 66:102-107.
- Boles, J.A., R.W. Kott, P.G. Hatfield, J.W. Berman, and C.R. Flynn. 2005. Supplemental safflower oil affects the fatty acid profile, including conjugated linoleic acid, of lamb. J. Anim. Sci. 83: 2175-2181.
- Goosey, H.B., P.G. Hatfield, A.W. Lenssen, S.L. Blodgett and R.W. Kott. 2005. The potential role of sheep in dryland grain production systems. Agric. Ecosystems Environ. 111: 349-353.
- Kott, R.W., Hatfield, P.G., Bergman, J.W., Flynn, C.R., VanWagoner, H., Boles, J.A. 2003. Feedlot performance, carcass composition, and muscle and fat CLA concentration of lambs fed diets supplemented with safflower seeds. Small Ruminant Research 49:11-17.
- Hatfield, P. G., B. L. Robinson, D. Minikheim, R. W. Kott, N. I. Roth, J. T. Daniels, and C. K. Swenson. 2002. Serum α-tocopherol and immune function in yearling ewes supplemented with zinc and vitamin E. J. Anim. Sci. 80:1329.
- Griffith, D., P.G. Hatfield, and R.W. Kott. 2001. Enterprise budgeting for ewe flock operations. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 17:29.
- Hatfield, P.G., C. K. Swenson, R.W. Kott, R.P. Ansotegui, N.I. Roth, and B.L. Robinson. 2001. Zinc and copper status in ewes supplemented with sulfate and amino acid complexed forms of zinc and copper. J. Anim. Sci. 79:261
- Hatfield, P.G., J. T. Daniels, R.W. Kott, and D. E. Burgess. 2001. Survival and serum IgG levels in twin born lambs supplemented with vitamin E early in life. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 17:24.
- Hatfield, P.G., J.T. Daniels, R.W. Kott, D.E. Burgess, and T.J. Evans. 2000. Role of supplemental vitamin E in lamb survival and production: A Review. Proc. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. at: http://www.asas.org/jas/symposia/proceedings/0932.pdf .
- Hatfield, P.G., R.A. Field, J.A. Hopkins, and R.W. Kott. 2000. Palatability of wethers fed an 80% barley diet processed at different ages and of yearling wethers grazed on native range. J. Anim. Sci. 78:1779-1785
- Roeder, R.L., V.M. Thomas, R.W. Kott, P.G. Hatfield, and D. Burgess. 2000. Effect of short term prepartum feeding of levels and type of protein on ewe performance and colostrum accumulation. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 16:1-6.
- Daniels, J.T., D.E. Burgess, P.G. Hatfield, and R.W. Kott. 2000. An ELISA method for determining sheep serum IgG concentration. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 16:33-34.
- Daniels, J.T., P.G. Hatfield, D. E. Burgess, R.W. Kott, and J.G.P. Bowman. 2000. Evaluation of ewe and lamb immune response when ewes were supplemented with vitamin E. J. Anim. Sci. 78:2731-2736.
- Hamadeh, S.K., P.G. Hatfield, B. L. Robinson, N. J. Roth, and R. W. Kott. 2000. Alpha acid glycoprotein (AGP) as an early indicator of stress in new-born lambs. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 16:72-73.
- Hamadeh, S. K., P.G. Hatfield, R.W. Kott, B.F. Sowell, B.L. Robinson, and N.J. Roth. 2000. Effects of Breed, Sex, Birth Type and Colostrum Intake on Cold Tolerance in Newborn Lambs. Sheep and Goat Research Journal. 16:46-51.
- Hatfield, P.G., S.L. Blodgett, G.D. Johnson, P.M. Denke, R.W. Kott, and M.W. Carroll. 1999. Sheep Grazing to Control Wheat Stem Sawfly, a Preliminary Study. Sheep and Goat Res. J.15:159-16.