Dr. Michael W. Tess
Retired June 2009
Emeritus Professor, Animal Science
217 Animal Bioscience Building
Email: mwtess@montana.edu
- BS California State Polytechnic College, Animal Science 1971
- MS Montana State University, Animal Science 1978
- PhD University of Nebraska, Animal Science 1981
- ARNR 215 Calving Management
- ARNR 322 Principles of Animal Breeding and Genetics
- ARNR 434 Beef Cattle Management
Research Interests
- Identify economically sustainable elk/cattle management strategies.
- Study alternative management and breeding systems to improve profitability of beef production systems in Montana.
Professional Experiences
- 1993-present Professor Montana State University
- 2002-2005 Department Head Montana State University
- 2001-2002 Interim Department Head Montana State University
- 1996-1997 Interim Department Head Montana State University
- 1988-1993 Associate Professor Montana State University
- 1987 1988 Associate Professor North Carolina State University
- 1981 1987 Assistant Professor North Carolina State University
Accomplishments and Interests
- Evaluated beef management strategies during drought in the Northern Great Plains
- Chairman — BIF Commission of DNA Markers
- Developed life-cycle bio-economic model for pork production and determined breeding objectives for swine based on economic efficiency.
- Showed that cytoplasmic inheritance is not an important source of phenotypic variation in beef cattle.
- Demonstrated the importance of using practical crossbreeding systems for small beef herds.
- Demonstrated the importance of breed substitution and heterosis on efficiency and profitability in cow-calf, feedlot, and integrated beef production systems.
- Demonstrated that selection of beef replacement heifers on the basis of yearling pelvic area will have minimal effects on subsequent calving difficulty.
- Developed a life-cycle bio-economic model for beef production under range conditions.
- Demonstrated the economic impacts of wild elk on cattle enterprise profitability.
- Demonstrated that cow-calf production systems may be more profitable by extending the grazing season even if herd size is reduced.
- Demonstrated the effects of maternal traits on beef cow-calf profitability.
- Evaluated the effects of end-point adjustment on carcass EPD.
- Evaluated the effects of calving season and retained ownership strategies on beef enterprise profits.
Recent Publications
Kruse, R.E., M.W. Tess, E.E. Grings, R.E. Short, R.K. Heitschmidt, W.A. Phillips, and H.S. Mayeux. 2008. Evaluation of beef cattle operations utilizing different seasons of calving, weaning strategies, post-weaning management, and retained ownership. Prof. Anim. Sci. 24:319-327.
- Kruse, R.E., M.W. Tess, and R.K. Heitschmidt, 2007. Livestock management during drought in the Northern Great Plains. I. A practical predictor of annual forage production. Prof. Anim. Sci. 23:224-233.
- Kruse, R.E., M.W. Tess, and R.K. Heitschmidt, 2007. Livestock management during drought in the Northern Great Plains. II. Evaluation of alternative strategies for cow-calf enterprises. Prof. Anim. Sci. 23:234-245.
- Reisenauer-Leesburg, V.L., M.W. Tess, and D. Griffith, 2007. Evaluation of calving seasons and marketing strategies in Northern Great Plains beef enterprises. I. Cow-calf systems. J. Anim. Sci. 85:2314-2321.
- Reisenauer-Leesburg, V.L., M.W. Tess, and D. Griffith, 2007. Evaluation of calving seasons and marketing strategies in Northern Great Plains beef enterprises. II. Retained ownership systems. J. Anim. Sci. 85:2322-2329.
- Kealey, C.G., M.D. MacNeil, M.W. Tess, T.W. Geary and R.A. Bellows. 2006. Genetic parameter estimates for scrotal circumference and semen characteristics of yearling line 1 Hereford bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 84:283-290.
- Torstenson, W.L.F., J.C. Mosley, T.K. Brewer, M.W. Tess, and J.E. Knight. 2006. Elk, mule deer and cattle foraging relationships on foothill and mountain rangeland. Rangeland Ecol. Manage. 59:80-87.
- Julien, D. J. and M. W. Tess. 2002. Effects of calving date, weaning date, and duration of fall grazing on profitability in range beef cattle enterprises. J. Anim. Sci. 80:1462-1469.
- Tess, M. W. 2002. Using genetic tools to meet market targets without sacrificing maternal performance. J. Anim. Sci. 80:(E. Suppl. 1)E94-E103. Available at: http://www.asas.org/symposia/vol80/jas1712.pdf.
- Torstenson, W. L., M. W. Tess, and J. E. Knight. 2002. Elk management strategies and profitability of beef cattle ranches. J. Range Manage. 55:117-126.
- Shanks, B. C., M.W. Tess, D.D. Kress, and B. E. Cunningham. 2001. Genetic evaluation of carcass traits in Simmental-sired cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 79:595-604.
- Almahdy, H., M.W. Tess, E. El-Tawil, E. Shehata and H. Mansour. 2000. Evaluation of Egyptian sheep production systems. I. Breed crosses and management systems. J. Anim. Sci. 78:283-287.
- Almahdy, H., M.W. Tess, E. El-Tawil, E. Shehata and H. Mansour. 2000. Evaluation of Egyptian sheep production systems. II. Breeding objectives for purebred and composite breeds. J. Anim. Sci. 78:288-295.
- Tess, M.W. and B. W. Kolstad. 2000. Simulation of cow-calf production systems in a range environment. I. Model development. J. Anim. Sci. 78:1159-69.
- Tess, M.W. and B.W. Kolstad. 2000. Simulation of cow-calf production systems in a range environment. I. Model evaluation. J. Anim. Sci. 78:1170-1180.
- Tess, M.W. 1999. Genetic aspects of replacement heifers in current and future production systems. Proc. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Available at: http://www.asas.org/jas/symposia/proceedings/0901pdf.