Dr. James E. Knight

Emeritus Professor, Extension Wildlife Specialist
- B.S. Wildlife Management, Michigan State University, 1973
- M.S. Wildlife Biology, Michigan State University, 1975
- Ph.D. Natural Resource Management, University of Michigan, 1980
Extension Wildlife Activities
- Policy related to wildlife management decisions
- Private land wildlife habitat and population management
- Wildlife/livestock grazing issues
- Hunter/rancher relationships
- Wildlife damage control
- Questions, problems and opportunities identified by County/Reservation Agents, private landowners, public land managers and the general public on wildlife management issues
Wildlife Topics
- Hunting
- Prevention & Control of Wildlife Damage
- Private Land Wildlife Management
- Livestock/Wildlife Interactions
- Development and publication of a book, "Manage Your Land for Wildlife," to serve as a reference and guide for ranchers and other landowners seeking to manage wildlife habitat and populations on their land
- Development of numerous methods and techniques for wildlife damage control now used and referenced across the country
- Development and publication of the national curriculum for 4-H Shooting Sports Hunting
- Development and publication of information related to benefits of ranching and livestock grazing for wildlife
Recent Publications
- Knight, James E. 2014. Effectiveness of modifying fences to exclude ungulates from high value pastures. Research Bulletin Number 4603. Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
- Knight, J. E. 2014. Modifying fences to protect high value pastures from deer and elk. Extension MontGuide MT201401AG.
- Knight, James E. 2008. Manage Your Land For Wildlife. Montana State University Extension. Bozeman, MT. 246 pp.
- Knight, J. E. 2007. The contribution of landowners to big game in Montana. MSU Extension MontGuide SKUMT200604AG.
- Fenster, R., and J. E. Knight. 2007. Conserving white-tailed deer habitat when controlling noxious weeds with sheep. MSU Extension MontGuide SKUMT200603AG.
- Knight, J. E. 2004. Ranchers Guide to Wolf predation. Montana State University Extension Bulletin EB# 163.
- Vogel, M., and J. E. Knight. 2003. Hantavirus: What is it? What can be done about it? Montguide MT199404AG.
- Knight, James E., Editor. 2002. After Wildfire-Information for Landowners coping with the aftermath of wildfire. M.S.U. Extension Service. 54 pp.
- Knight, J. E. 2002. Electric fencing to exclude deer and elk from recovering burned areas. In: J. E. Knight, Ed. After Wildfire-Information for Landowners coping with the aftermath of wildfire. M.S.U. Extension Service. 54 pp.
- Knight, J. E. 2001. Determining the age of a deer. MontGuide MT200107AG.
- Schmidt, L., and J. E. Knight. 2001. Fencing to protect stored hay from deer and elk. MontGuide MT200108AG.
- Knight, J. E. 2000. Coping with bats in Montana homes. MontGuide 2000-01.
- Knight, J. E. 2000. Guide to pocket gopher control in Montana. MontGuide 2000-09.
- Schmidt, L., and J. E. Knight. 2000. Electric fencing to control deer on Montana’ s farms and ranches. MontGuide 2000-10.
- Knight, J. E. 2000. Repelling birds using monofilament line. MontGuide 2000-11.
- Brence, L. A., and J. E. Knight. 1998. A sportsman’ s guide to landowner relations. MontGuide MT9813.