Facilities and Research Entities

The Animal Bioscience Building (ABB) is home to the Department of Animal and Range Sciences. Completed in July 2010 and designed for student and faculty success, ABB boasts laboratories and conference rooms equipped with modern technology and comfortable gathering spaces within its 40,463 square feet.

The BART Farm, formerly "Towne Farm," isdedicated to the service and support of research, teaching and Extension activities relating to livestock and livestock management. The 430-acre farm, located west of MSU's main campus, houses the Oscar Thomas Nutrition Center, Miller Stock Pavilion, equine center, MSU Farrier School, feed mill and beef center.

Situated on a historic U.S. Cavalry fort five miles from the MSU campus, The 640-acre Fort Ellis Research Farm was dedicated in 1930 as "headquarters for the range sheep investigations" as conducted by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. Research and teaching in the department is still conducted at the farm in the areas of sheep, beef cattle, and horses.
The MSU Meat Science Lab is a state-inspected facility with the capability for processing meat animals. Applied research efforts involve development and adaptation of new processing technology, with emphasis on product quality, shelf life and safety. In addition, basic research involves evaluation of factors affecting tenderness, color and other carcass characteristics. One important role of the center is to assist the industry in understanding the needs of customers, both in domestic and export markets.

One of only two wool research and service laboratories in the U.S., scientists at the Montana Wool Lab conduct practical research to obtain knowledge about wool and to apply complete and accurate wool knowledge at wool schools; offer workshops to support and educate communities and youth through 4-H and FFA; teach within the sheep production/practicum classes at the collegiate level, and institute field service.

Red Bluff Research Ranch is a 13,750-acre ranch located in Madison County that occupies most of the once thriving late 19th- to early 20th-century gold mining community in the Hot Springs Mining District, which was second only in gold production to Alder Gulch. The ranch nearly surrounds the town of Norris. About 170 head of cattle and 900 head of sheep are maintained year round at the ranch. This livestock, as well as the rangeland, are used for both teaching and research.
Cooperating Research Entities

Located about seven miles southwest of Havre on U.S. Highway 87, the Northern Agricultural Research Center is comprised of approximately 500 acres of cropland and 6,000 acres of rangeland used for crop, beef cattle, and range management research. NARC's mission is to conduct and promote studies, scientific investigations and experiments relating to agriculture, natural resources and rural life and to disseminate this information to the people of Montana. On average, there are approximately 350 beef cows and 300 calves being used in different projects.

Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory is a 55,000-acre USDA - Agriculture Research Service rangeland beef cattle research facility run in cooperation with the Montana Agriculture Experiment Station. One of 14 research locations that make up the eight-state Northern Plains area of ARS, its mission is to research and develop ecologically and economically sustainable range animal management systems that ultimately meet consumer needs.

The U.S. Sheep Experiment Station is located in Dubois Idaho. The mission of the station is to produce technology to increase efficiency of livestock production in a manner that assures agricultural and natural resources are available for our grandchildren.

Gallatin Valley Horse Boarding
Montana State University does not board horses for students; however, there are horse-boarding facilities in and around Bozeman.