Dr. Carl Wambolt

Dr. Wambolt (right) discussing range ecology with students during a Yellowstone Range Ecology class.
BS University of Idaho, Range & Wildlife Management 1967
MS University of Wyoming, Range Science 1968
PhD University of Wyoming, Range Science 1971
ARNR 480 Yellowstone Range Ecology
Research Interests
Shrub Ecology & Management: To expand our knowledge of shrubs and their role in range ecosystems to benefit management opportunities for a variety of rangeland resources.
Accomplishments and Interests
- Reported the influence of secondary compounds in woody plants on herbivore digestion and forage intake.
- Reported the long-term response of four brush control methods and their economic efficiency.
- Reported relationships of fire-shrub-herbivore interactions.
- Reported comprehensive findings of shrub - ungulate relationships on the Northern Yellowstone Winter Range.
- Reported the relationships between livestock grazing strategies and their effect on the nutritional quality of bluebunch wheatgrass.
- Reported the morphological responses of bitterbrush to browsing as well as the variation of crude protein in the species with an assessment of community characteristics that influence bitterbrush cover and browsing.
- Reported the taxonomy, distribution, and habitat of all rabbitbrush taxa in Montana.
The Sage Page: a site dedicated to the conservation of sagebrush and shrub/grassland habitats.
Recent Publications
- Schroeder, M.A., J.W. Connelly, C.L. Wambolt, C.E. Braun, C.A. Hagen, and M.R. Frisina. 2006. Society for range management issue paper: ecology and management of sage-grouse and sage-grouse habitat. Rangelands. 28:3-7.
- Wambolt, C.L., M.R. Frisina, S.J. Knapp, and R.M. Frisina. 2006. Effect of method, site, and taxon on line-intercept estimates of sagebrush cover. Wildlife Soc. Bull. 34:440-445.
- Grove, A.J., C.L. Wambolt, and M.R. Frisina. 2005. Douglas-fir’ s effect on mountain big sagebrush wildlife habitats. Wildlife Soc. Bull. 33:74-80.
- Wambolt, C.L. 2005. Sagebrush-ungulate relationships on the northern Yellowstone winter range. Rocky Mountain Research Station. RMRS-P-38:109-115.
- Wambolt, C.L., M.R. Frisina, S.J. Knapp, and R.M. Frisina. 2005. Effect of method, site, and taxon on line-intercept estimates of sagebrush cover. Wildlife Soc. Bull. 34:189-195.
- Frisina, M. R. and C.L. Wambolt. 2004. Keying in on big sagebrush. Rangelands. 26:12-16.
- Johnson-Nistler, C.M., B.F. Sowell, H. Sherwood and C. Wambolt. 2004. Black-tailed prairie dog effects on Montana’ s mixed grass prairie. J. Range Manage. 57:641-648.
- Wambolt, C.L. 2004. Browsing and plant age relationships to winter protein and fiber of big sagebrush subspecies. J. Range Manage. 57: 620-623
- Wambolt, C.L. and T Hoffman. 2004. Browsing effects on Wyoming big sagebrush plants and communities Rocky Mountain Research Station. RMRS- P-31: 194-197.
- Wambolt, C.L. and S. Thompson. 2003. Wild ungulate impacts on browse in Montana, USA. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. 20:111-113.
- Wambolt, C.L. and M.R. Frisina. 2002. Montana sagebrush: A taxonomic key and habitat
descriptions. Intermountain J. Sciences. 8:46-59.
Frisina, M.R., C.L. Wambolt, B. Sowell, S.J. Knapp, M. Sullivan, and C. Johnson. 2001. A balancing act: sagebrush-sage grouse-prairie dogs. Rangelands. 23:17-19 - Wambolt, C.L. 2001 Mule deer foraging preference among five sagebrush (Artemisa L.) taxa. Western North American Naturalist. 61:490-494.
- Wambolt, C.L., K.S. Walhof, M.R. Frisina. 2001. Recovery of big sagebrush communities after burning in southwestern Montana. J. Environmental Mange. 61:243-252