Graduate Students
Doctoral Students

Macy Collins
Characterizing the wool microbiome and its influence on wool and lamb production
Advisor: Dr. Chris Posbergh

Matthew Conrad | Spring '27
Uterine metagenomics and reproductive health in the postpartum mare
Advisor: Dr. Amanda Bradbery

Rachael Dines | Fall '27
Past, present, and future trends of whitebark pine status in the northern tier of
the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Advisor: Dr. Dan Atwater

Thomas Hamilton
Assessing mid and late gestation cattle grazing dormant rangeland during the winter
Advisor: Dr. Timothy DelCurto

Danielle Knighton
Collecting data and analyzing human impact within the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness
that will then be compared to grizzly bear distribution
Advisors: Drs. Clayton Marlow,
Dan Tyers, Craig Olwert

Nathan Schaff | Spring '27
The use of blood metabolites to predict flavor profiles in sheep
Advisors: Dr. Jennifer Thomson,
Dr. Jane Ann Boles

Alex Trauner | Spring '27
Digestive aids with or without L-glutamine on gastrointestinal barrier integrity and
subsequent systemic response in horses
Advisor: Dr. Amanda Bradbery

Abby Zezeski | Spring '25
Evaluating preimplantation embryo development using flow cytometry
Advisor: Dr. Sarah McCoski
Master's Students

Katie Friede | Spring '25
Effects of Cattle Hide Color and Changing Environmental Conditions at Northern Latitudes
on Feeder Cattle Performance and Behavior
Advisors: Drs. Sam Wyffels, Tim DelCurto and Darrin Boss

Caroline Gatschet | Fall '25
Influence of Delayed Grazing on Rangeland Soil Health Indicators & Microbial Community
Advisor: Dr. Sam Wyffels

Amanda Grube | Fall '24
Assessing sulfur fertilizations as a means to improve statewide forage quality and
value by reducing nitrate accumulations in cereal forages
Advisor: Dr. Hayes Goosey

Autumn Keller | Fall '25
Aspen and wolf trophic cascade on the northern Yellowstone elk winter range
Advisors: Drs. Clayton Marlow and Dan Tyers

Janessa Kluth | Spring '24
Comparing the botanical composition and quality of beef cattle diets on unburned and/or
burned rangeland
Advisor: Dr. Timothy DelCurto

Madysn Mangum | Summer '25
Degradation Characteristics of Ruminal Sustained-Release Vitamin/Mineral Boluses
Advisor: Dr. Timothy DelCurto

McKenzie Mork | Spring '25
Immune status and gastrointestinal development in neonatal foals supplemented with
anti-endotoxin IgY
Advisor: Dr. Amanda Bradbery

Jack Nance | Spring '26
The Response of Dung Beetles, Soil Health, and Dung Pat Degradation Rates to Herd
Parasite Management
Advisor: Dr. Hayes Goosey

Jeremiah Peterson | Spring '24
Evaluating the influence of protein status on intake, ruminal digestion, thermal regulation
and metobolic rates in beef cattle consuming low-quality forages
Advisor: Dr. Timothy DelCurto

Jackie Pondolfino
Salt-Limited Trace Mineral and/or Protein Supplement Intake Behavior and Performance
of Yearling Heifers Grazing Dryland Pastures
Advisors: Drs. Sam Wyffels and Tim DelCurto

Denali Smith | Spring '26
Beaver impacts on stream geomorphology and the impacts of a 500-year flood event on
stream geomorphology and beaver colonies in southwestern Montana
Advisors: Drs. Dan Atwater and Dan Tyers

Kaylen Stearns | Spring '25
Evaluating the relationship between yearling Angus pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP)
estimates with maternal, growth, and carcass traits
Advisor: Dr. Timothy DelCurto

Aubrey Sullivan | Fall '24
Ecology of reintroduced sharp-tailed grouse in Western Montana
Advisor: Dr. Lance McNew